Impact Wrestling...where is the logic?

I am a fan of Impact Wrestling, but sometimes it is just aggrivating to watch. I've created a short list of things that IW could do IMMEDIATELY that would improve their production.

1 - Gaps in logic - the Dependence of Events that SHOULD be random.

Impact Wrestling does a sh*tty job of exploiting what should be "random events" so things will fit into a storyline. To me, it is just lazy.

Last night's ref bump was a prime example. The ref went down, to which Hogan made his entrance with a chair, to which Angle was able to use on Sting, get the pinfall, and then stare at Hogan.

What if the ref wouldn't have been bumped? What would Hogan have done? Did he just know/hope the ref would go down so he could come down with a chair? Was he sitting in the back just waiting and hoping the ref would go down?

Isn't Hogan an authority figure in IW? If he wanted Sting to lose, did he have to wait by the entrance for the ref bump so he could interfere? Couldn't he just stack the deck against Sting and add stipulations?

The whole bump/interference just didn't (and rarely does) make sense. Based on last night, Sting could have beaten Angle before Hogan had the chance to bring in the chair. Why would Hogan take the chance?

It just doesn't add up, and serves as an eye-rolling, unbelievable moment that reeks of a scripted, phony show. I know it is fake, but when the action and storylines are presented as "real," then these should-be random events happen, it should still be believable.

2 - Kayfabe or no Kayfabe? Consistency Matters

IW goes back and forth on their presentation of wrestling being real, and wrestling being fake. We all know wrestling is fake...but what is enjoyable is when you can get so captivated in the storylines and in-ring action that you forget it is fake.

With IW, they blur it to the point that it becomes distracting from the storylines and matches.

Another example that comes to mind is Impact Wrestling's use of "Hervey Cam" that shows a wrestler's feelings on an opponent or match. It's presented in a way that adds a degree of realism, and it works.

Viewers SHOULD be able to forget it is fake, without it being constantly thrown in our face that it is. For example, Sting has been a crazy clown for the last several weeks. Yet when he is in the ring with Kurt Angle for a contract signing, he's sane again. Which is it?

So the weeks of trying to convince the audience that Sting is crazy, it is thrown away for a three minute promo where Sting is normal. The constant back and forth of "real life" and "storyline" does nothing but cause distractions to the stories they are trying to tell.

3 - Lose the "insider terms"

The word "ratings" should never be uttered during a wrestling show. Ever. Yet rarely is there a night of Impact where it isn't mentioned, at least once by an announcer, wrestler, or authority figure.

Those wrestling fans who care about what kind of TV rating Impact gets, knows it isn't why mention it? Those fans that don't follow wrestling online, and will never know what TV rating Impact gets, still don't care.

Instead of TALKING about the TV Ratings that the "network" wants, why not focus and delivering stories and wrestling matches that will actually ATTRACT TV viewers? These are just a couple of examples of things said to try to cater to the "Internet Wrestling Community," but all it does is remind their viewers that what they are watching is bullsh*t....that the match isn't about a storyline involving two guys, it's just about the "ratings."

4 - No more Gimmick Matches (at least for awhile)

This is a bit different than the other points I mentioned, but Impact Wrestling has to scale back their use of gimmick matches. Their talent SHOULD be able to tell a story without a gimmick match, and the gimmick match should only ADD to the storyline.

They have a bad history of having gimmick matches for the sake of having gimmick matches. And when they have a gimmick match, say...a cage doesn't make sense to have it in a cage. When a cage match is just thrown together as a regular match, or other wrestlers can enter the cage an interfere, then why even have the cage to begin with?

There is no increase in excitement when Impact Wrestling offers a gimmick match, because they have been done too often, with no logic, and with no need.

Much like the breaks in "reality" and "storyline" IW goes back and forth on, when you have a 4 minute ladder match as a part of the BFG series, why should one be excited to see a ladder match when it would actually benefit feud/storyline?

5 - Will the person in charge please stand up?

Who is in charge of TNA? Bischoff? Hogan? Sting? Foley? Flair? Other "network" executives? And why is Dixie Carter still being mentioned?

When so many individuals are in control, it begs the questions "why?" Why doesn't Hogan just fire Sting? Why doesn't Hogan stack the deck so that Immortal (his selected group) have every title and complete control?

What exactly are Fortune and Immortal fighting over anyways?

Impact Wrestling is trying to be too many things at once...and by doing so they are leaving huge plot-holes, gaps in logic, and delivering show after show that delivers no Impact (pun intended) and that won't be remembered by next week's show.

Hulk Hogan Day, Brother!

Oh, you didn't know?

Hulk Hogan Day is just under a week away! BROTHER! And I am looking forward to it, BROTHER!

Hulk Hogan Day is always observed on the second Saturday in August, which is on August the 12th this year. So why celebrate Hulk Hogan Day? Well I will answer that question by asking another one...why not celebrate Hulk Hogan Day?

Hulk Hogan is arguably the most recognized and influential professional wrestler of all time. Without Hulk Hogan, the world of professional wrestling, as we know it, would not exist. Hulk Hogan is a household name, and the only wrestler to be covered on Sports Illustrated. He has entertained millions and millions of wrestling fans across the globe for more than three decades.

There will never be another Hulk Hogan, and there will never be a phenomenon like Hulk-a-Mania. So The reason I will celebrate Hulk Hogan day is to pay homage to The Legend, the Icon, the Immortal...Hulk Hogan!

That is why I am going to celebrate the day...but if you find yourself intregaed, and find yourself wanting to celebrate, but not sure as to why...try one of these reasons:

- To liven up a nondescript mid-August afternoon.
- To goof around with friends and family.
- To get back in touch with your childhood hero (or my childhood hero at least)
- To celebrate the "good old days" of classic wrestling.
- To have fun!
- To introduce a new generation of kids to the larger-than-life character of Hulk Hogan.

Now, there are several ways in which your can enjoy the day, and spread the Hulktide cheer this August 15th...and I will list 17 of them for each World Title held by the Hulkster...BROTHER!

1. Play the Hulkster's classic 'Real American' theme song on your computer or in your car. Or set the theme as your ring tone for the day. Don't have a copy? Download it here:

2. Wear a brightly-colored bandana on your head...preferably red and/or yellow.

3. Wear red and yellow feather boas and sunglasses. If workplace dress codes forbid this, you could wear a red or yellow tie or outfit to the office.

4. Flex your arms at random intervals throughout the day. This one if one of my favorites. Imagine standing in the checkout line at a store and then just instantly breaking out the Hogan pose...awesome. Just awesome.

5. Have a posing contest with friends to see who can do the best Hogan impression.

6. Buy a can of Hogan's Enegery Drink. And like it.

7. Watch your favorite Hulk Hogan matches or interview moments. I would like to watch every Hulk Hogan WrestleMania Appearance, and will definitely try to.

8. Watch at least one of Hulk Hogan's films. Watching any more than one in one day could be hazardous to your health, so make sure you pick your favorite. Suburban Commando and No Holds Barred would be good choices.

9. Punctuate sentences with the phrases 'dude' and 'brother.' For example, "I'm going to go outside and get the mail, brother." Or "You should have seen that crap, dude!"

10. Reenact famous moments in Hulk Hogan history with your friends or a family member. Taking turns body slamming each other (as Hulk slammed Andre at WrestleMania III) is a great way to continue the Hulkster's legend alive.

11. Grab your shirt and rip it down the center. And then throw it to a child nearby.

12. Wear yellow spandex tights around the house. If you don't have yellow tights, get some tighty-whitey underwear and paint them yellow.

13. Put a yellow and red sign in your car windows with the words "Honk for Hogan" on it. And if a car doesn't honk, pull out the driver, kick his ass, and spray-paint nWo on his back.

14. Call radio stations and request that they play Jimmie Hendrix "Voodoo Child" (Hogan's WCW Theme music) in honor if it being Hulk Hogan Day.

15. Cup your hand to your ear in an exaggerated motion throughout the day. This is another one of my favorites. Whenever you can't hear someone, cup your ear and have them repeat. Then knock them down and hit them with the big leg drop.

16. Get your weight lifting belt (if you don't have one, buy one) and play the air guitar on it as you enter a room.

17. Say your prayers and Take your Vitamins


Ray Lamontagne - One Lonesome Saddle

well we rode into town like a couple of fools
high on the mezcal, bent low on my mule
i's just trying to find some place where a man might find some rest
wash the tears from my eyes and the blood from my vest

one lonesome saddle
one long and lonesome ride
one lonely cowboy
pining a woman unkind

walked into the saloon on my feet that felt like lead
cold steel hammer pounding into the back of my head
i raise up my glass to the quick and to the dead
saying hey he ain't heavy and a bottle of red

one lonesome saddle
one long and lonesome ride
one lonely cowboy
pining a woman unkind

as the glass it left my lips, i felt her hand upon me
her smile it was so warm but her eyes were so cold
she says to me now, "won't you please walk beside me"
i just shut my mouth and i did as i was told

one lonesome saddle
one long and lonesome ride
one lonely cowboy
pining a woman, cold-hearted woman
pining a woman unkind

Zombie Ants!

I didn't believe this when I first heard of it, but this is pretty crazy.

King's Island - Black Sunday

The darkest day in the history of King’s Island came on Sunday June 9, 1991.  It was on that day when three park guests died from incidents inside of the park. 

The Oktoberfest Pond Tragedy:

At approximately 8:30 in the evening, Timothy Benning (22)entered the park's pond located next to the Octoberfest Beir Garden to, apparently, retrieve a lost item. Upon entering the restricted area he was shocked due to an electrical current (later determined to be coming from a defective water circulation pump.) When he screamed and fell unconscious in the shallow water, his friend William Haithcoat (20) jumped in to pull him out. Immediately Haithcoat was shocked. Upon hearing the screams a park security officer, Darrel Robertson (20) jumped in attempting to help and was also shocked. Ironically the rescuers... Haithcoat and Robertson died, but Benning survived. The Octoberfest area of the park was emptied immediately, and closed off. Helicopters landed in the park to life-flight the victims to the hospital. They were undergoing CPR when they left.

Timothy Binning (22)took his buddy William Haithcoat (21)to Kings Island as his guest at the Ameritrust employee picnic.  It is not completely clear what happened, except that at around 8:30pm, for reasons which are unknown, Binning entered the water of the pond surrounding the Bier Garten. (it is believed that he entered to retrieve a dropped souvenir, but this cannot be confirmed.  He felt an electrical shock, which apparently knocked him face-down in the pond and left him unable to get back up.

Noticing that his friend was in trouble, Haithcoat jumped in to try and rescue Binning from the shallow water.  He too received an electrical shock. 

Meanwhile, 20-year-old Kings Island security guard Darrell Robertson was walking down the boardwalk and noticed trouble.  He jumped into the shallow pond in an effort to save both men, but also received an electrical shock.  Apparently, a child was screaming by now about someone drowning in the pond, which prompted Howard Heath, 31, and two others to the site of the incident.  Heath touched the water, but by now the circuit breaker had apparently tripped, because he felt no electric current.  Heath and one of the other two men pulled Robertson and Haithcoat from the water.  Heath's girlfriend, Paula Earls, a 27-year-old nurse from Indianapolis, administered CPR on the victims as they were pulled from the pond. 

Binning was face-down and submerged at this point, so Heath and the other rescuer held the ankles of a third man, who pulled Binning out of the pond.  Each of the victims began to breathe again before being taken away by emergency personnel.  Binning was taken to Bethesda hospital, where he recovered and was released in a couple of days.  Robertson and Haithcoat were taken to the University of Cincinnati medical center, where they were both pronounced dead at about 10:00pm.  The official cause of death was electrochoution.  The resulting investigation identified a defective submerged aerator pump, used to circulate the pond water and inhibit algae growth, as the cause of the electrical shocks.  OSHA also fined Kings Island $23,500 for various violations relating to the accident including bad electrical grounds, improper circuit breakers, and improper railings around the pond.

The Flight Commander Incident:

One hour and fifteen minutes after the incident at the Oktoberfest Pond, tragedy again struck.  Candy Taylor, a 5-foot-5-inch tall 32-year-old mother of two was visiting Kings Island with two friends, Gary Oakley and Doreen Rassmussen, from a truck-driving school, where Taylor was a student.  They had been at the park all day, "sipping beers" and riding almost every ride in the park.  Oakley and Rassmussen rode the Flight Commander while Taylor finished her beer.  When Oakley and Rassmussen's ride was finished, Taylor boarded the Flight Commander, an Intamin "Flight Trainer" ride.  Witnesses indicated she showed no outward signs of intoxication, though her autopsy would show a blood alcohol content of 0.30, which is three times the limit allowed for motor vehicle operators in Ohio.

Taylor entered the #4 tub on the ride, and closed the shoulder harness and lap bar.  Ride attendants checked both bars to insure that they were properly locked, and the ride began its cycle.  Witnesses claim that the ride made four full rotations and Taylor's tub made no maneuvers.  Then, it performed a slow roll to the left, rolling through two rotations.  On the second rotation, Taylor fell from the capsule, striking the ground head first.  She was rushed to Miami Valley Hospital, where she was pronounced dead of multiple body trauma at 10:34 pm.

According to the Department of Agriculture investigators, Taylor was probably unconscious, probably with a leg against the joystick in the middle of the seat causing the capsule to roll.  State investigators believe that during the roll, Taylor slipped from her seat, over the divider, and into the vacant seat, out from under the restraints.  Representatives of Intamin claimed that was impossible, but ride inspectors were able to demonstrate how it could happen if a solo rider were riding in a capsule with the restraints open on the vacant seat.  Careful examination of the ride ruled out any mechanical failure; the State of Ohio ruled that the ride suffered from a design flaw, and noted that improvements would be required before the ride could operate again.  The state did not specify what changes had to be made, but did suggest either a higher seat divider or a seat belt.

At one point, attorneys for Taylor's estate wondered if an optional clear plastic cover over the capsule would have prevented her from falling from the ride, but park officials noted that the covers...which Kings Island did not install...were designed to restrain falling objects (keys, cameras, wallets, etc) and would not be able to stop a falling body.  

The ride was closed for the remainder of 1991, and re-opened in 1992.  The aftermath was to install a higher seat divider in the tub, and to put a guard around the joystick so you had to operate it with your hands, it could no longer be bumped by legs. By then though the ride already had a stigma, and after several years of catering to very small ridership, was removed after a few years. A Eurobungy sits on its site.

The Format - Snails EP

"Snails" was the first song by The Format that I heard and just loved.  At first listening it really stuck a chord with me, and still does to this day.  There are several elements of life that is touched on in the song, but primarily it is about taking things slow and not rushing into things.  A good portion of the song deals with relationships...relationships with someone you love...not just sex; being able to appreciate the smaller details that comes before sex that can make it amazing; a smile, a brush on the arm, or an afternoon lying in the grass.  Snails, being slow by nature, have that advantage over other living things...good stuff.

Nico, take it slow
Show me that you care
And loves just not a flare on my sleeve
Sleep well, I pray that cardboard boxes,
Set the perfect stage.
'Cause wood grain makes all man made things seem so out of date
Life is not a play, it's what we
Make of the people we love.

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
Oh why, why, why, why, why, why
Are you quick to kiss?
She bites at blades and leaves
God damn you shrubbery
Well I�m sick of vanity plates
Should we move to the UK?
'Cause life here in the states has escaped
All the people in love
What we make of these people we love

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
Oh why, why, why, why, why
Are you quick to kiss?
Baby, maybe I spoke to soon
I'll touch you once you make the first move
Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch

I watch her as she runs
My mother jumps the gun
She puts her in her arms
That is just like my mom
Never lets go, never lets me grow old
I wanna pay her back
But love is nothing you can tax
My family�s not rich by any means
But I feel we won the lottery, that day
The rock swallowed the girl
And I cried as cameras caught my eyes
My tears turned into butterflies
They fly away as caskets close
A new day comes you�ll wake unfold
Smile when you feel the sunlight
You feel the sunlight
You feel the sunlight

Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
Oh why, why, why, why, why
Are you quick to kiss?
Baby, maybe I spoke to soon
I'll touch you once you make the first move
Snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch
Oh snails see the benefits
The beauty in every inch